Adult Faith Formation Column for the Sunday Bulletin of St. Michael Parish, Livermore, California

This weekly column is a short meditation on the Bible readings of the Sunday Mass. The meditations are direct quotations from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, papal encyclicals, writings of the Saints, and similar orthodox sources.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday 15 January 2012

Here I Am. You Called Me.

    It is essential for us to understand that Jesus has a specific task in life for each and every one of us.  Each one of us is handpicked, called by name -- by Jesus!  There is no one among us who does not have a divine vocation!  Now this is what Saint Paul wrote in  his letter to the Ephesians:  "each one of us has received God's favor in the measure in which Christ bestows it ....  It is he who gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in roles of service for the faithful to build up the body of Christ" (Eph 4:11-12).

    First and foremost, God has called us into existence.  He has called us to be!  He has called us, through his Son Jesus Christ, to a knowledge of himself as our Loving Father.  He has called us to be his children!  He has called us to fulfill his eternal plan in our individual lives, with Jesus as our guide.  He has called us to be co-heirs with Jesus of his heavenly Kingdom!  What God our Father is offering us through his Son is a new life as his real children, with Jesus our brother; a pressing call to live, to love, to labor for the coming of his Kingdom.

And, lest, bewildered at what we must do, we hesitate, Jesus offers to be himself our guide and says:  "Come after me." (Lk 9:59).

                        -- Blessed John Paul II
                            1 June 1982

Good Lord, we are the sinners
you came to call to yourself.
We are burdened with the number of our sins.
We are tired because of our wickedness.
Say to us, therefore, Lord:  'Come to me'
and immediately we come.
We humble ourselves and bow down
before the throne of your mercy.
Our only hope is in you.
Remember, Lord, the promise you made
to every sorrowful sinner coming to you
that you would not turn them away
but would refresh them.
We come, therefore, to you, good Lord;
do not turn us away but refresh us
with your grace and your mercy.
        -- Saint John Fisher

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